REST API Specifications
We created a complete and detailed description of the Platform API. Here you can find all parameter descriptions.
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Security / Authentication
All requests must be sent over SSL (Secure Socket Layer).
You need to generate an Authentication token to authenticate your request. Authentication parameters needs to be send in the header with each request. To generate authentication token please refer Auth token API.
Member ID
and checksum
can also be required in some cases. Please refer
specific APIs for more details.
Authentication parameters need to be pass as POST
parameters. You can find more details
about these parameters in Authentication parameters.
For testing purpose you can use below card/account details:
Test Card Details
Brand | Number | CVV | Expiry Date |
VISA | 4000000000000051 | 745 | any future date |
MASTER | 5101082187256503
5101080000000009 |
123 | any future date |
375510513169537 378282246310005 |
123 | any future date |
Test 3D Card Details
Brand | Number | CVV | Expiry Date |
VISA | 4000000000000002 | 237 | any future date |
Test Bank Accounts (SEPA)
Country | IBAN | BIC |
Germany (DE) | DE09100100101234567893 | PBNKDEFFXXX |
Test Bank Accounts (ACH/CHK)
Country | Account Number | Routing Number | Account Type |
United States (US) | 9876543210 | 011000028 | PC/ PS/ CC |
Basic Payment
This reference lists all the standard flow parameters to be send in request.
Parameter | Description | Format | Required |
amount | Amount of the transaction. The dot needs to add to separate the decimal. | N13
[0-9]{1,10}\.[0-9]{2} |
Yes |
tmpl_amount | Customized amount of customer, template amount can be same as transaction amount, Accept only [0-9] and ‘.’ (Single point) | N11
[0-9]{1,8}\.[0-9]{2} |
No |
currency | Currency of he transaction. | A3
[a-zA-Z]{3} |
Yes |
tmpl_currency | Currency of the customized amount to facilitate customer, template currency can be same as transaction currency, Accept only 3 character currency code in capital letters. | AN3
[a-zA-Z0-9]{3} |
No |
paymentBrand | Type of Card while placing the transaction. For ex: VISA, MC |
[a-zA-Z0-9] {1,32} |
Yes |
paymentMode | Payment method for paying amount. For ex: CC for Credit Cards |
[a-zA-Z0-9] {1,32} |
Yes |
paymentType | The payment type for the request. You can send a transaction
requests with one of the following types:
Yes |
orderDescriptor | Description of the order. | AN255 | No |
merchantTransactionId | This reference number is provided by the merchant, should be unique for the transactions and is visible on the end customer’s statement. | AN100 [.\\p[0-9a-zA-Z\\p{Space}\\-]{0,100} |
Yes |
merchantRedirectUrl | Redirect url where the customer to be redirected after processing. Redirect URL provided in request will redirect customer on merchant's website. | AN2048
([htpfs]{3,5}\\:?\\/\\/[\\w\\.\\:\\/]*\\??[a-zA-Z0-9]*) |
notificationUrl | This URL will receive the asynchronous notification where
This URL must be sent URL encoded. |
([htpfs]{3,5}\\:?\\/\\/[\\w\\.\\:\\/]*\\??[a-zA-Z0-9]*) |
attemptThreeD | On 3D secure merchant account, you can process Direct, 3D or
Only3D type of transactions. Direct - Synchronous transaction 3D - In this type if your card isn't 3D authenticated then it will be a synchronous transaction. Only3D - Only 3D secure cards will get processed. |
[Direct|3D|Only3D] |
paymentProvider | Bank name in the Bank-list provided by payment provider for Netbanking/Wallets. | A50
[a-z][A-Z] |
vpa_address | Virtual Private Address for UPI. | A50[a-z][A-Z][0-9] [.@] | Conditional
Authentication data is required in all requests. You can find a set of valid credentials in the tutorials. But if you want to set up another credential for your terminal please contact us.
Parameter | Description | Format | Required |
authentication.memberId | Merchant’s unique ID assigned by to authenticate a transaction request. | N10
[0-9] |
Yes |
authentication.partnerId | Partner’s unique ID assigned by to authenticate a transaction request. | N10
[0-9] |
Yes |
authentication.checksum | Cryptographic hash generated by MD5 as follows. All the processes has different combination of parameters to generate hash (all values separated by pipe). Kindly refer sample given in tutorial for each case. |
[a-zA-Z0-9] |
Yes |
authentication.terminalId | Merchant’s terminal ID provided by . | N6
[0-9] |
No |
authentication.sKey | Merchant/Partner secure key which he uses to authenticate the transaction. | AN32
[A-Za-z0-9] |
No |
authentication.accountId | Merchant’s account ID provided by Payment | N10
[0-9] |
No |
Merchant data is required in some requests. You can find a set of valid credentials in the tutorials. But if you want to set up another credential for your terminal please contact us.
Parameter | Description | Format | Required |
merchant.password | Merchant's password which he uses to login in backoffice. (Deprecated) Please use authentication.sKey instead of password
[A-Za-z0-9!@#$%^&*()] |
No |
merchant.username | Merchant's userName which he uses to login in backoffice. |
[A-Za-z] |
No |
Partner data is required in some requests. You can find a set of valid credentials in the tutorials. But if you want to set up another credential for your terminal please contact us.
Parameter | Description | Format | Required |
partner.userName | Partner's userName which he uses to login in backoffice. |
[A-Za-z] |
No |
Card Account
All the information about a credit or debit card account are hold by the card object
Parameter | Description | Format | Required |
card.number | Customer’s card number. | N19
((4[0-9]{12}([0-9]{3}))|(5[1-5][0-9]{14})) |
Yes |
card.expiryMonth | Expiry month of the card. | N2
([0-9])|(0[0-9])|(1[0-2]) |
Yes |
card.expiryYear | Expiry year of the card. | N4
((200[0-9])|(201[0-9])|(202[0-9])) |
Yes |
card.cvv | 3 or 4 digits number on card to verify card details. | N4
[0-9]{3,4} |
Yes |
Bank Account
All important information about a bank account are hold by the bank account object and it is used for bank account based payments, e.g. bank transfers or direct debits. If you want to collect money from the customer’s bank account, you are in need of his approval.
Parameter | Description | Format | Required |
bankAccount.iban | IBAN (International Bank Account Number) associated with the bank account. | AN31
[a-zA-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{11,27} |
Yes |
bankAccount.bic | BIC (Bank Identifier Code (SWIFT)) number of the bank account holder. | AN11
[a-zA-Z0-9]{8}|[a-zA-Z0-9]{11} |
Yes | | Country code of the bank account holder. | AN2
[a-zA-Z0-9]{2,1000} |
No | | Unique ID of the mandate for bank account. | AN256
[a-zA-Z]{0,256} |
Conditional |
bankAccount.accountNumber | The merchant's bank account number. Maximum length is 17 characters. | AN17
[0-9]{0,17} |
Conditional |
bankAccount.accountType | The merchant's Bank Account Type. (‘PC’- Personal Checking, ‘PS’- Personal Savings, ‘CC’ – Commercial Checking, savings - Savings, checking - Checking). |
[a-zA-Z]{0,2} |
Conditional |
bankAccount.routingNumber | Merchant's 9 digit bank routing number. | N9
[0-9]{9} |
Conditional |
bankAccount.checkNumber | Merchant's 12 digit bank routing number. | N12
[0-9]{12} |
Conditional |
All the information about the customer like his name, contact details and identification documents are hold by the customer object.
Parameter | Description | Format | Required |
customer.givenName | First name of the customer. | AN [a-zA-Z0-9\\p{Space}\\,.:'"-=+)({}[]]+ |
No |
customer.surname | Last name or surname of the customer. | AN
[a-zA-Z0-9\\p{Space}\\,.:'"-=+)({}[]]+ |
No |
customer.birthDate | Birth date of the customer in the format YYYYMMDD. | AN10
{19|20)([0-9]{2})(0[1-9]|1[0-2])(0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1]} |
No | | Phone number of the customer. | N24 [0-9\+-. ]{6,24} |
No |
customer.telnocc | Country code of the customer. | N4 [0-9]{1,4} |
No |
customer.ip | IP address of the customer. |
AN255 (?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?) |
No | | Email address of the customer. |
AN100 [A-Za-z0-9._%'-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,100} |
Conditional |
customer.bankId | Customer ID in bank's system. | AN20 [a-zA-Z0-9]{1,20} |
Conditional |
customer.customerId | Customer ID in merchant’s system. | AN100 [a-zA-Z0-9]{1,100} |
No |
customer.walletId | Customer’s wallet ID. |
AN255 [a-zA-Z0-9\\p{Space}\\,]+[a-zA-Z0-9\\p{Space}\\,]+ |
No |
customer.walletCurrency | Currency of the wallet. | A3 [a-zA-Z]{3} |
No |
customer.walletAmount | Amount of the transaction . | N [0-9]{1,10}\.[0-9]{10} |
No |
3D Secure
3D secure object is used for authenticating data generated by the 3D secure MPI. Object can be used for authentication when external MPI is being used.
For this to work, the Aquirer has to support external 3d MPI. Kindly check with the Support team.
If 3D secure object is used, payment gateway just pass the details to acquirer.
Parameter | Description | Format | Required |
threeDSecure.eci | ECI for threeD Secure request. | N2
[0-9]{2} |
No |
threeDSecure.verificationId | threeD Secure CAVV/AVV in Base64 encoded. | AN50
[a-zA-Z]{50} |
No |
threeDSecure.xid | threeD Secure xid in Base64 encoded | AN100
[a-zA-Z]{100} |
No |
3D Secure Version 2
All information about browser are hold by the device details object. Device details are required if merchant is connected with the 3DSecure v2 version.
For this to work, the Aquirer has to support external 3d MPI. Kindly check with the Support team.
Parameter | Description | Format | Required |
deviceDetails.browserAcceptHeader | Content of HTTP Accept header. | AN
[a-zA-Z0-9\\p{Space}\\,.:'"*-=+)({}[]]+ |
Conditional |
deviceDetails.user_Agent | Content of HTTP user-agent header. | AN
[a-zA-Z0-9\\p{Space}\\,.;:'"*-=+)({}[]]+ |
Conditional |
deviceDetails.browserLanguage | Language of Cardholder Browser. For e.g en-US = English. Returned from navigator.language property. | A
[a-zA-Z_-] |
Conditional |
deviceDetails.browserTimezoneOffset | Time difference between UTC time and the Cardholder browser local time, in minutes. | N
[-+?][0-9] |
Conditional |
deviceDetails.browserColorDepth | Value representing the bit depth of the colour palette for displaying images, in bits per pixel. Obtained from Cardholder browser using the screen.colorDepth property | N
[0-9] |
Conditional |
deviceDetails.browserScreenHeight | Total height of the Cardholder’s screen in pixels. Value is returned from the screen.height property. | N
[0-9] |
Conditional |
deviceDetails.browserScreenWidth | Total height of the Cardholder’s screen in pixels. Value is returned from the screen.width property. | N
[0-9] |
Conditional |
deviceDetails.browserJavaEnabled | Boolean that represents the ability of the cardholder browser to execute Java. Value is returned from the navigator.javaEnabled property | A5
true/false |
Conditional |
Shipping Address
The details about the recipient and location of an order are held by the shipping address object.
Parameter | Description | Format | Required |
shipping.street1 | Building name, and/ or street name of the customer's shipping address. | AN1000
[a-zA-Z0-9\\p{Space}\\,]+ |
Conditional | | City of the customer's shipping address. | AN50
[a-zA-Z0-9\\\\#&\\p{Space}\\p{L}\\p{M}\\-;.,~`/%$#@ ]{0,50} |
Conditional |
shipping.state | State or region of the customer's shipping address. | AN50
[\\ra-zA-Z0-9\\\\!@#$*%^&{}\\[\\]()_+\\p{L}\\p{M}\\-=,.~'` ]{0,50} |
Conditional |
shipping.postcode | Postal code/ Zip code of the customer's shipping address. | AN9
[A-Za-z0-9]{2,9} |
Conditional | | Country of the shipping address. | AN3
[a-zA-Z0-9]{2,3} |
Conditional |
There are two ways to find transaction details on the system. You need to provide idType to inquire the transaction. Please see the BackOffice for further information.
Parameter | Description | Format | Required |
idType | It specifies the type of request id. PID is PaymentID and MID is merchantTransactionId. | AN3
No |
To place the payout transaction you need to provide either paymentId. Please see the Payout for further information.
Parameter | Description | Format | Required |
authentication.memberId | Merchant’s unique ID assigned by to authenticate a transaction request. | N10
[0-9] |
Yes |
authentication.checksum | Cryptographic hash generated by MD5 as follows. All the processes has different combination of parameters to generate hash (all values separated by pipe). Kindly refer sample given in tutorial for each case . |
[a-zA-Z0-9] |
Yes |
merchantTransactionId | Unique ID sent at the time of transaction. | AN100
[.\\p[0-9a-zA-Z\\p{Space}\\-]{0,100} |
Yes |
amount | Amount of the transaction. | N13
[0-9]{1,10}\.[0-9]{2} |
Yes |
paymentId | Transaction ID of previously placed successful transaction. | N10
[0-9] |
Yes |
authentication.terminalId | Merchant’s terminal ID provided by . | N6
[0-9] |
Yes | | Email address of the customer. | AN100
[A-Za-z0-9._%'-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,100} |
Yes |
bankAccount.bankAccountName | Full Name of Beneficiary. | AN50
[a-zA-Z0-9\\p{Space}\\,.:'"=+)({}[]]+ |
Conditional |
bankAccount.transferType | Transfer Type of Payout NEFT/RTGS/IMPS. | A5
[a-z][A-Z] |
Conditional |
bankAccount.bankIfsc | IFSC of Beneficiary Bank. | AN11
[A-Za-z]{4}[a-zA-Z0-9]{6}$ |
Conditional |
bankAccount.bankAccountNumber | Bank Account Number of Beneficiary. | AN35
{0-9} |
Conditional |
bankAccount.bankCode | BankCode of BankTransfer | A3 [a-z][A_Z] | Conditional |
There are two ways to store customer’s data on the system. Please see the Tokenization Guide for further information.
Parameter | Description | Format | Required |
createRegistration | For the createRegistration when value is TRUE, system will generate unique registration ID which has stored card details. | A4
true |
No |
As described in the Recurring Guide, all you have to do for sending recurring transactions is to flag the transaction with the following parameter:
Parameter | Description | Format | Required |
recurringType | It is used to indicate the recurring type of the
No |
paymentId | The payment ID of the previous successful transaction for which the customer wants to place a repeated recurring transaction. | N10 | Conditional |
registrationId | This ID is used to fetch card details of the customer. | AN32 | Conditional |
Asynchronous Payments
Parameter | Description | Format | Required |
notificationUrl | This URL will receive the asynchronous notification
This URL must be sent URL encoded. |
([htpfs]{3,5}\\:?\\/\\/[\\w\\.\\:\\/]*\\??[a-zA-Z0-9]*) |
Response Parameters for Asynchronous Payment
Parameter | Description | Format | Required |
redirect.url | With this URL shopper gets redirected for the further transaction. | AN2048
([htpfs]{3,5}\\:?\\/\\/[\\w\\.\\:\\/]*\\??[a-zA-Z0-9]*) |
Conditional |
redirect.method | Redirect method can be GET/POST. By default the method is POST. |
A10 [a-zA-Z] |
Conditional | | The target can be blank/_self.
blank opens the linked document in a new window or tab whereas,
_self opens the linked document in the same frame as it was
clicked.By default the target is blank .
A10 [a-zA-Z] |
Conditional |
redirect.parameters[n].name | List of parameter names for the redirect.url. The corresponding parameter value is the same parameter number ending with .value like described in the line below. The actual return format is JSON as shown in the example snippet below. | AN255
[a-zA-Z0-9\\p{Space}\\,]+[a-zA-Z0-9\\p{Space}\\,]+ |
Conditional |
redirect.parameters[n].value | The parameter values corresponding to the names as described above. | AN255
[a-zA-Z0-9\\p{Space}\\,]+[a-zA-Z0-9\\p{Space}\\,]+ |
Conditional |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Description | Format | Required |
paymentId | Unique transactionId sent by . | N10
[0-9] |
Yes |
id (/registrations) | Identifier of the transaction request that can be used
reference the registration later. You get this either as the field
id of a
registration's response or as the field registrationId of a
response (if the request contained
createRegistration=TRUE). |
[a-zA-Z0-9]{32} |
Yes |
paymentBrand | Type of Card while placing the transaction. For ex: VISA, MASTER |
[A-Za-z] |
Conditional |
paymentType | The payment type for the request. | A2
[A-Za-z] |
Conditional |
paymentMode | Payment method for paying amount. For ex: CC for Credit Cards |
[A-Za-z] |
Conditional |
amount | Amount of the transaction. | N13
[0-9]{1,10}\.[0-9]{2} |
Conditional |
currency | Currency of the transaction. | A3
[a-zA-Z\\p{Space}\\,]+ |
Conditional |
descriptor | Display name of the merchant. | AN127
[a-zA-Z0-9\\p{Space}\\,]+[a-zA-Z0-9\\p{Space}\\,]+ |
Conditional |
transactionStatus | Status of the transaction processed. Possible values
are, ‘Y’ – Successfully processed ‘N’ – Failed ‘P’ – Pending ‘3D’ – Pending for 3D authentication ‘C’ – Cancelled |
[Y|N|P|3D|C] |
Yes |
remark | Transaction remark from respective gateway. | AN255
[a-zA-Z0-9] |
Yes |
status | Status of the transaction. You can refer status descriptions for more detailed information. | AN255
[a-zA-Z0-9] |
Yes |
result.code | The unique response code for successful or failed transaction. See the Response codes for more detailed information. | AN11
[0-9\.]{2,11} |
Yes |
result.description | Response description of the response code. | AN255
[a-zA-Z0-9\\p{Space}\\,]+[a-zA-Z0-9\\p{Space}\\,]+ |
Yes |
result.bankCode | The unique bank code for successful or failed transaction. | AN255
[a-zA-Z0-9\\p{Space}\\,]+[a-zA-Z0-9\\p{Space}\\,]+ |
No |
result.bankDescription | Bank description of the bank code. | AN255
[a-zA-Z0-9\\p{Space}\\,]+[a-zA-Z0-9\\p{Space}\\,]+ |
No |
card.bin | First six digits of the card number. | N6
[0-9]{6} |
No |
card.last4Digits | Last four digits of the card number. | N4
[0-9]{4} |
No |
card.holder | Name of the customer on card. | AN255
[a-zA-Z0-9] |
No |
card.expiryMonth | Expiry month on card. | N2
[0-9] |
No |
card.expiryYear | Expiry year on card. | N4
[0-9] |
No |
merchant.bankAccount.holder | Full name of the user. | AN128
[a-zA-Z0-9\\p{Space}\\,]+[a-zA-Z0-9\\p{Space}\\,]+{4,128} |
Yes |
merchant.bankAccount.number | Account number of the bank account. | AN64
[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,64} |
Conditional |
merchant.bankAccount.bic | The BIC (Bank Identifier Code) of the merchant's bank account. | AN11
[a-zA-Z0-9]{8}|[a-zA-Z0-9]{11} |
Conditional | | The country code of the merchant's bank account. | AN2
[a-zA-Z0-9]{2,1000} |
Conditional |
merchantTransactionId | Unique ID sent at the time of transaction. | AN100
[.\\p[0-9a-zA-Z\\p{Space}\\-]{0,100} |
Conditional |
timestamp | Shows at what time the transaction has been placed. | date
yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss |
Yes | | Email address of the customer. | AN100
[A-Za-z0-9._%'-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,100} |
Conditional |
customer.bankId | Customer ID in bank's system. | AN20
[A-Za-z0-9] |
Conditional | | Customer ID in merchant’s system. | AN20
[A-Za-z0-9] |
Conditional |
eci | eci is the two or three digit code that is returned by the credit card processing networks and issuing banks.For VISA eci code is (05,06,07)and for MasterCard eci code is(01,02). | N3
[0-9] |
Optional |
firstName | First name of the cardholder. | AN50
[A-Za-z0-9] |
Optional |
lastName | Last name of the cardholder. | AN50
[A-Za-z0-9] |
Optional |
tmpl_amount | Customized amount of customer, template amount can be same as transaction amount. | N13
[0-9]{1,9}\.[0-9]{2} |
No |
tmpl_currency | Currency of the customized amount to facilitate customer, template currency can be same as transaction currency, Accept only 3 character currency code in capital letters. | A3
[a-zA-Z]{3} |
No |
Other | The response can also contain each of the resources listed above, such
as customer and shipping address. |
n/a | Conditional |
orderDescription | Description of the order sent by merchant | AN255
[\p{L}\P{M}\p{M}\n\ra-zA-Z0-9:\\!@#$%^&{}\[\]()_+\-=,*.~'` ] |
Conditional |
companyName | Name of the merchant company | AN255 [A-Za-z0-9] |
Conditional |
merchantContact | Name of the Merchant's main contact person | AN255 [A-Za-z0-9] |
Conditional |
ECI values(Electronic Commerce Indicator) For VISA CARD
ECI value | Description |
05 | Both cardholder and card issuing bank are 3D enabled. 3D card authentication is successful |
06 | Either cardholder or card issuing bank is not 3D enrolled. 3D
card authentication is unsuccessful, in sample situations as: 1. 3D cardholder not enrolled 2. Card issuing bank is not 3D Secure ready |
07 | Authentication is unsuccessful or not attempted. The credit card is either a non-3D card or card issuing bank does not handle it as a 3D transaction |
ECI values(Electronic Commerce Indicator) For MASTER CARD
ECI value | Description |
00 | Authentication is unsuccessful or not attempted. The credit card is either a non-3D card or card issuing bank does not handle it as a 3D transaction |
01 | Either cardholder or card issuing bank is not 3D enrolled. 3D
card authentication is unsuccessful, in sample situations as: 1. 3D Cardholder not enrolled 2. Card issuing bank is not 3D Secure ready |
02 | Both cardholder and card issuing bank are 3D enabled. 3D card authentication is successful |